Monday, March 30, 2009

Slowly But Surely

I skipped today! Yippeee! I did not think I could do it yet, but I was so bored with doing my regular workout, that I decided to take a risk with the skipping rope. (At this point in time I must give a fantastic shout out to Nike Air's, without which I might have incurred another 3 or so months of immobility. I thought it was all hype, but wearing Nike Air is like walking on air.) Thanks to my former workout I didn't know when I went to 80 skips, in a few minutes, and without pain. The feeling was/is exhiliarating. So much so that I shall begin my diet blog again.



  1. funny enough, just recently i decided i wanted to start skipping again. in my much younger days, i was good at it. i should try it out now and see how far

  2. skipping, eh? I should try that...

  3. Yes Solomonsydelle, try it. It works you hard and it can be fun, if it's your thing.

    @ Uzezi, Take it easy at first o. I used to swim years ago, but found out it was much harder now to stay as long in the water, due to a lack of practice.
